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Free PDF All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

Free PDF All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

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All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

Free PDF All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

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All the Little Lights, by Jamie McGuire

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Jamie McGuire is the #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Walking Disaster, the Maddox Brothers series, the Providence trilogy, and the international bestseller Beautiful Disaster, which paved the way for the new-adult genre. She was the first independent author in history to strike a print deal with retail giant Walmart, and her work has been translated into fifty languages. She lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with her husband, Jeff, and their three children. To learn more about Jamie, visit, or follow her on Twitter @JamieMcGuire.


Taschenbuch: 446 Seiten

Verlag: Montlake Romance (29. Mai 2018)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1503902781

ISBN-13: 978-1503902787

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

14 x 2,5 x 21 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.6 von 5 Sternen

4 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 46.604 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ich hatte eigentlich eine nette Teenie-Schnulze erwartet, aber das Buch ist auf jeden Fall anders und eher ein Horror-Buch in der lightVersion. Ich lese solche Bücher eigentlich gar nicht und kann deswegen auch nicht sagen, ob der Twist am Ende offensichtlich war oder nicht, aber ich wusste bis zum Ende nicht, wie das aufgeklärt wird. Die Liebesgeschichte ist jedenfalls nicht so im Vorgerdrung, wie ich es erwartet hatte, was aber ok ist.

Jamie McGuire at her BEST!All the Little Lights ist eine süße Young Adult Geschichte mit einem Twist den ich nicht habe kommen sehen. Wie bei jedem McGuire Buch eine dicke Empfehlung meinerseits! :)

One of the most boring books I have ever read. Most people will figure out what’s really going on about half way through and it’s even more painful after that.

Elliott & Catherine.The book starts with 10 year old Elliott spending the summer at his aunt's house because his parents are constantly fighting.While playing around with his new camera he sees Catherine for the first time behind the huge house she lives in with her parents. But it isn't until he's back the summer when they're both 15 that they talk for the first time.His parents are still fighting all the time and her parents.... It's difficult.Elliott and Catherine become the bestest of friends that summer. He helps her stand up to the bitchy mean girls. They're having a great time walking all over town to take pictures, they talk, they just spend time outside of the house. Until Elliott has to leave again - at the most traumatic moment in Catherine's life. And she's very mad at him for that.But it wasn't his fault - and when he finally comes back to her - to go to school in town and be the school's star quarterback - she's still mad at him and things at her house are even weirder!But of course Elliott didn't wait two years to see her again, to give up that easily!══════════════════════Oy! That was ... adorable and heartbreaking and sweet and innocent and exciting and mysterious!An amazing book. I didn't really expect such a huge story.It was so full of ... things!First love. First losses. Depression. Racism. Hate. Bullying. Excitement. Fear. Lonliness. Anger. Mystery. Love. Hope.We hope all through the book that those two will end up happily ever after at a college somewhere far away... but of course it's not that easy. They still have a long while to go before we can even think about a happy end.And everything is so mysterious too!!! What the heck is happening at Catherine's house? What's that all about?!And we're pretty sure some people or events will make even more problems for our darlings along the way!Ugh - I just wanted to fast forward to the end to find out if everything would turn out amazing for Catherine & Elliott!Amazing Young Adult romance! A very mature young adult story with lots of problems from so many different points - a really complex book! But there's also lots of hope and love - so much love. Elliott is just the most adorable young man - the way he loves that girl!I just loved the book! I loved both Catherine and Elliott so much and I wouldn't mind seeing this as a Netflix show one day!

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